Tata Motors, one of the most prestigious automobile companies of Indian origin, which surprised the world with ‘Tata Nano’ (world’s cheapest car with a price tag of Rs 1,00,000/-) revealed its plan in Geneva Motor Show on March 6, 2012 to develop a four-seater global range extended electric vehicle (REEV) meant for city driving. Tata Group is pioneer in bringing innovative products across the categories; Titan Edge (Slimmest Watch of the world) is one of the recent examples. Tata Air, today’s Indian Airline was foremost in airline industry in India. Tata Group is ruling the globe with various lines of its diversified business.
With this recent product concept of ‘Tata Megapixel’, Tata is going to ensure its place in the list of most innovative companies of the world. Today, when the whole world is talking about fuel conservation, Tata Motor’s initiative to bring a car which can offer mileage of 100 KM/ liter of fuel (under battery only power) is highly appreciative. This product under development is going to hit world road in approximately 3 years as developing technology to support product like Tata Megapixel will take lot of time. At the time of unveiling of Megapixel, Tata Motors Managing Director (India Operations) P M Telang said “Tata Megapixel, developed by our design centers in India, the U.K. and Italy, is our idea of a city car for discerning motorists in any megacity of the world.” With its innovative technology and design, Tata Megapixel takes ‘Zero Turn’, would offer around 900 KM drive with a single tank of fuel & CO2 emission of just 22 Gm/KM. The vehicle will have four independent electric motors, one at each wheel. At the time of parking, the electric hub motors drive the wheels in opposite directions, while the front wheels are turned at an acute angle, enabling an exceptional 2.8 Meter turning radius. The vehicle will also have ‘Charging at home’ facility; the charging begins with the car being parked over the induction pad. A double sliding door system and the car's B-pillar less design make entry/exit trouble-free, besides enhancing visibility. The vehicle accommodates four adults with luggage.
The whole world has kept its finger crossed to witness revolution in small car automobile market which would change the way people commute.
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